Agile v/s Scrum? Things you need to know


The first decision which you will have to make initializing a project is the project methodology that will be implemented.
The frameworks that are generally implemented vary from Kanban to Waterfall to Scrum to Agile. They follow different paths and based on your requirements you have to decide which methodology will be applied. Here we will be discussing the difference between Agile and Scrum.
With the dynamic changes in the customer demands, requirements of the projects, the companies are changing their approach from traditional Waterfall Methodology to Agile Methodology.

Agile Methodology

An incremental, iterative approach which enables the changing requirements based on feedback from end users instead of having in-depth planning right from the beginning.
It can be implemented with Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), and Rational Unified Process (RUP). As Agile is more flexible Methodology, it lets the teams to bypass the sequential model and finish the work in a shorter time and better efficiency.


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