GDPR and It’s Impacts on Email Marketing


As we all know, the common practice for marketers is to send the mass emails to all of their potential customers. These potential customers may have opted for the subscription recently or they might have subscribed some time back or in some cases they might not have subscribed. As of date the email marketers could send the emails to all such potential customers. This is clear violation of the privacy of an individual. But from this 25th May, it is about to change. Now the marketers will need to have the Written Consent of the data subjects (person(s) to whom email is sent). If this compliance is not adhered by, then marketers stand to face hefty Penalties that could be as high as 20 million euros or 4% of annual turnover of the company.
Before understanding the extent to which GDPR will affect the email marketers emailing to the European Union (EU) citizens, we must understand what GDPR is first.

What is GDPR? Why is GDPR being introduced?

The General Data Protection Regulation commonly known as GDPR comes into effect from 25th May 2018 and all the concerned marketers need to change their strategy for email marketing.


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