Business Process Reengineering – Techniques & Tools for Your Business

As new technologies surface through innovations and inventions, it affects our daily way of life. This includes on the personal end as well as on the business end. As newer business technologies come up, processes have to be changed to incorporate the new changes and to ensure the business practices stay up to date. In such a scenario, the need of the hour is business process re-engineering, while many confuse it as business process management. So let’s have a look at what is business process re-engineering.

What Is Business Process Reengineering?

The process of changing the core functions of the business resulting in new processes and workflows is called business process reengineering (BPR). In BPR one does not just make changes to the existing practices to suit the needs of the modern business practices, but totally revamps the entire process from the ground up. It is a systematic process with business process re-engineering tools to be used to bring the new process in play. Many businesses tend to bring in a third party consultant to the table to help them design and implement BPR.

Business Process Reengineering Methodology

  1. Identifying the need for change:
    It is not always necessary that someone from the leadership would be vigilant enough to identify the need for BPR. An employee can also spot the need, but the pointers need to be absolutely clear as to what changes are required because these need to be communicated to the leadership accordingly. Hence there is a need to build a proper business case for this.
  2. Communicating the need for change in the organization:Communicating to the management about the need for BPR can be tricky as they will not be open to it immediately since there is some cost involved to the entire exercise. Hence as mentioned above, the need to build a business case and pitching it to the management is important so that it grabs their attention and proves to them that BPR is actually beneficial for them organization.


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