Five Ways Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Marketing

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? And what is Artificial Intelligence aided marketing?

Artificial Intelligence in simple words can be explained as “The machines having the capability of performing cognitive functions like learning and problem-solving.”
Artificial intelligence has been there since long. But, it is taking off stupendously in the last few years.
Artificial Intelligence is a disruptive form of technology which is changing not just the entire Technology Industry but even our day-to-day life.
Artificial Intelligence is already changing the way the marketers implement their strategies. It can be defined as “the method of leveraging customer data and AI concepts like machine learning to anticipate your customer’s next move and improve the customer journey.”
With the evolution of big data analytics, the marketers have improved their Return on Investment (ROI) with no markedly extra efforts. The marketers get a clearer picture as to who is their target audience and work on them with focussed marketing efforts.
The following five factors have transformed marketing with the induction of Artificial Intelligence.
  1. Increased Personalized Marketing:

Big Data doesn’t just give you an insight about customers and their behaviour; it also lets you use the insights to personalize the marketing messages. With the induction of Artificial Intelligence, the opportunities are not limited to demographics or industry types only; now you can market your products/ services to organizations on a requirement by requirement basis.
With personalization of products/ services, conversion rates will improve significantly, and it won’t stop there only; you will be doing the prospective clients a sending them the emails about the content they are more interested and are more likely to respond.


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