5 Best practices to maximize your website performance

The primary motive of your website is to improve traffic and hence make money out of it. The striking images and trending styles may appear attractive to look at, but they could prove out to be unfavourable if your visitors have to wait for more than 10 seconds to get access to your site. Go through these 5 points to ensure that everything on your website is well optimized and running efficiently.

  1. Adopt Cloud-based Website Monitoring Tools:

    Some of the significant benefits of moving to a cloud-based host are efficiency, scalability and cost, to name a few. And also, this way you can focus on growing your business instead of monitoring website optimization, which matters the most anyway.
  2.  Enable Cache:

    To improve performance and reduce bandwidth, caching is used. It is used for temporary storage of web pages. When a person visits your site, the cached version will be served up to them unless it has changed since the last session. This makes things altogether faster and also saves server time.
  3. Reduce image size:

    Do not sacrifice with the quality! More than half of the websites page weight on a desktop computer is of images. You need to make sure that the pictures you are using are appropriately sized without compromising with the quality of the image. You can also adopt new image formats to help reduce image weight by 20-50%.


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