Error-Proofing tactics for your Manufacturing Business

No matter what is the size of your company, it’s necessary to build a lean system that will result in error-proofing that protects your business from errors. Consolidated data management will allow us to achieve great results in a short time with useful resource utility and proactive decision making.

Below are the tactics you can apply to build a leaner error-proof system:
Reducing the number of errors: With minimum manual intervention not only will the number of mistakes reduce along with the growing number of problems. An efficient manufacturer will reduce the number of error pyramids as more problems can be solved as the pyramids gets smaller. Some dynamic cases will rise even though you try to minimise the pyramid which needs to be resolved spontaneously.
Track and Trace methodology: A system consisting bar code or printer records will make the tracking easy for every action on the shop floor as every transaction will be recorded in the order. Usage of single database source along with pre-defined workflows will lead to track back, and forward traceability in case of any issues faced.
Use a single database: Single database makes documentation easy and reporting to be more accurate as it reduces redundant tasks. Data entry between multiple disparate sources eliminating the potential for human error will result in an error-proofing business setup. Single database management will result in unique customer record and its association with a different business process where including all quality certifications are linked to the product specification.
Production and Quality control: Each operation has defined input materials, and production control plan will result in a second error-proofing mechanism to govern activities. Implementation of Statistical process control at the work centre will result in continuous process monitoring to keep the tab on quality.


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