Big Data Trends and Predictions to look out for in 2019

Over the years, big data trends have changed. Without a doubt, 2018 was a huge leap for big data. New tools and technologies have emerged, companies have merged, and startups have taken off. The advancement in this technology is allowing the emergence of new trends. Organizations must implement the right trends to stay ahead of their competitors.
With that in mind, we’ve separated some big data trends and predictions which are expected to be seen in 2019.

Top Big Data Trends and Predictions for 2019

AI-driven data infrastructure

2018 can basically be called the first year of artificial intelligence. Most companies laid out the manpower, tools and infrastructure of machine learning and deep learning technology, and some industry solutions gradually came forth.
From the perspective of this year, in big data platform and tool market, more and more AI solution tools are being built which gradually evolved from AI modeling and AI algorithm framework tools to data development, process scheduling, and A/B experiments. In 2019, AI platforms will be used more extensively for data analysis. They will allow you to work more efficiently than traditional frameworks, and offer faster communication with data scientists and other data trades.

Rapidly growing IoT networks

With smart devices, like Microsoft Cortana and Google Assistant, several companies are already developing products that can be connected to the network and be operated over the internet. Currently, many companies are trying to use IoT to combine streaming analytics and machine Learning. The idea is to train machine learning algorithms from IoT data in real time rather than exploiting stored data.
The observation is that as organizations begin to provide better IoT applications, new ways of collecting, managing and analyzing information will be created. The primary goal is to increase machine learning’s responsiveness and flexibility in a wide variety of situations, including communication with humans.

The rise of predictive analysis

The rise of predictive analysis is also among the big trends of big data in 2019. Existing solutions are not only capable of analyzing but also for processing the data and understanding the reasons why certain events occur.
However, with predictive analytics through big data, your business will be able to predict what might happen in the future, this possibility will make all the difference in understanding consumer behavior.


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