Business Intelligence Process Steps for Success

Business Intelligence has become increasingly important for companies to remain competitive in the marketplace. From their practices, organizations are able to measure their team performance and make predictions for the future, making more assertive decisions about practices to follow.
Business Intelligence is critical to competitive advantage and business advancement, but reaping the benefits of this concept requires more than just implementing technology. When you take over the management of a company or lead a project team, decision making becomes part of your work routine. It turns out that, at many times, choices need to be quick and any hasty option or flawed decision process can compromise business results. Although it may seem simple, decision-making ability is not a common attribute for all managers.

Why BI is Crucial for your Business?

The professional who masters BI is able to see the facts that others cannot because they master certain technologies and have knowledge in the field of data science. You need to know how to recognize patterns and build graphs that turn raw numbers into appropriate information.
This information needs to have some meaning. How do they fit into the reality of the company? How can the data obtained, help solve a problem?
For this, the professional needs to have a systemic view and understand all the related processes which occur in the company. And use that ability to see bottlenecks as well as opportunities.
Research based on the concept of business intelligence can follow the creation of new products, HR hiring policies and communication plans for social networks.
In short, you must work with business intelligence for the ability to see beyond the obvious.

Business Intelligence Process Steps for Success

You need to choose a good BI tool to bring the best results to the business. In order to take full advantage of its functionality, organizations must carry out well-structured planning for their implementation. Here are some tips on how to successfully implement Business Intelligence in their business:

Focus on business problems and only then on data

Don’t take a build-and-go approach to BI initiatives, says Boris Evelson. Many companies create data repositories, put BI on top, and expect business users to come in and play, he says. “What works best is a top-down approach based on business results. We don’t start with “where’s the data” We start with solving a business problem.

Define its need, objectives and scope

The success of the BI project will depend in particular on a clearly defined strategy of the company. This implies having a clear vision of the future and being able to work on the basis of realistic, clear objectives in the short and long run as well, without forgetting the phase of studying the existing.
This strategy will make it possible to anticipate and properly manage deadlines. It is also important at this stage to identify what kind of information policy makers, project managers and other key roles will be needing to improve their data management.


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