
Showing posts from June, 2019

3 Ways Digital HR Can Benefit Your Business

Technology has arrived in the corporate world to stay. If transformations were gradual earlier, today they are real revolution in all sectors of a company. Human Resource, a department of vital importance to any organization, could not be left out. Before we talk about the benefits that technology has brought to the HR routine, let’s take an overview of the concept of digital transformation. Briefly, we can define digital transformation as a process of incorporating new technologies into the various organizational structures of the most diverse sizes and segments, with the aim of improving its performance, achieving better results and thus achieving a robust and sustainable growth. Want to know the Benefits of digital HR? Keep reading! Read More:

Lead Generation Tips & Tools for Small Businesses

Lead generation is referred to as the process of identifying and nurturing customers/individuals for business services or products. The goal of a B2B lead generation program is to convert targeted audiences into a large volume of quality leads. Here are some useful lead generation tips for Small Businesses: Establish your authority: One good way to implement this practice is to create content that is educational and contains your logo, which can be afterwards targeted to the required audience. Establish your brand in a way such that the market looks up to you for product insights and expertise. Target specific market segments: Nowadays, your message and substance must be highly relevant and exceptionally significant for the leads to notice. You need to target specific market fragments with various content strategies, as opposed to taking a one-measure fits-all methodology. Read More:

Lead Generation vs Demand Generation: Understand the difference

Before we get into lead generation vs demand generation, let us first know what they are. Although these terms have been used interchangeably in the B2B scenario, they are not the same thing. Here we’ll highlight some significant differences between lead generation and demand generation, something which every B2B executive or sales leader should know about. Understanding how lead generation fits into a holistic demand generation strategy can help your company adopt smarter methods of measuring demand generation and enhancing your data-driven marketing programs. Read More;

Business Process Reengineering Advantages and Disadvantages

BPR or business process reengineering is the central reevaluating and radical update of business procedures to accomplish various upgrades in primary, contemporary proportions of execution like cost, quality, administration and speed. Improved consumer loyalty is frequently an essential point. There are various pros and cons of business process reengineering. Mentioned below are some advantages that business associations can get from effective use of business process reengineering (BPR): It gives an appropriate focus to business as it revolves around customer needs. BPR helps in building a strategic view of operational procedures by making radical inquiries about how processes are improved and how things could be done. It eliminates unnecessary activities and thereby helps in reducing organizational complexity. Read More:

Business Intelligence vs Data Science: Difference between the two?

Before we get into Business Intelligence v/s Data Science, let us know what they are. Data Science is a relatively new discipline. Nevertheless, there are many self-proclaimed Data Scientists who claim to have been in the industry for over 30 years. The Data Scientist function has really taken shape over the past decade when many Silicon Valley companies had to start managing their massive mountain of data. But do not get me wrong, there were already a lot of people with a similar analytic role before the term Data Science. At that time, these disciplines were called “statistical profession”. Later, analysts merged under Business Intelligence (BI), a discipline that aims to obtain information from data that a company owns. It is similar to the definition commonly used to describe Data Science (“data set knowledge extraction”). But what is the difference between Data Science and Business Intelligence? Read More:

Top 6 ways to retain your organizational data

Retaining Organizational data is everybody’s concern, and its scope goes beyond how long to retain it and what information is to be preserved. Organizations are aware of the fact that they have to retain it for a specific amount of time to meet legal obligations. Now the question is when files/docs reach the end of the retention period, should they be further retained or erased immediately? Here are a few ways in which you can save your organizational data: Use of Cloud directories: Certain files and documents migrate across categories, and organizations need to make sure that they create processes and policies that can handle the safe migration of such records. Certain organizations use cloud directories to automate control access rights and file management. Standardized Documentation: Policies should be created as such that revolve around determining business, legal, security and regulatory issues. Documenting compliance with standards and regulations is essential.

3 Key Talent Management Strategies for 2019 | WisdomPlexus

Successful businesses know that having the right people at the right jobs is essential to maintain a competitive position. Nowadays, business is changing at a fast pace and companies must rely on qualified personnel to innovate, direct and deploy their business strategy. As a result, those who rely on talent will be in a better position to adapt to their changing environment and conquer global markets. Improve your company’s competitiveness by integrating Talent Management strategies Place talent at the center of your growth strategy When planning the next six months or the next year, targeting new markets or looking for new customers, you need to think about who will implement your growth strategy. For example, what are the technical skills required to realize a digital strategy? Do you have good brand managers to sell your product in other countries? Finding and keeping qualified people is harder than ever. So you have to make talent your top priority to attract and retain th

How to Recognize and Prevent Phishing Attempts

Phishing scams have been revolving around since the Internet was born, and they are not planning to stop any time soon. Nobody would want to fall prey to a phishing scam. Although, there is a good reason why such scams will continue. Cybercriminals make massive profits from these phishing attempts. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to avoid becoming a victim yourself. Guidelines to Identify Phishing attempts Think before you click! One way to determine a phishing attack is that it may be disguised to look like it has come from a legitimate company. Such emails may even ask you to fill in your details, but they won’t contain your name. It is not at all safe to click on links when you know you’re on an untrusted site. Clicking on links that are from random emails is not a smart move. You should hover the mouse over links that you are suspicious of. Look for typos Another way to identify such emails is to look for grammatical errors, typos, misspellings or bad links to images

What Is Customer Experience? Management, Mapping & Steps to Improve

Customer experience (CX) is turning out to be the key driving force differentiator for the growth of any organization. The actual meaning of customer experience is the perception of a company or organization caused due to multiple interactions between your organization’s employees, system products or channels over the course of time creating a brand image in their minds. As per the buzz in the industry experts mention the CX is our main competitive advantage below are the key points to deliver stellar CX. Customer experience management Providing consistent and personalized customer experience, to ensure this kind of CX one needs to keep all the CX channels under exceptional leadership such as tele-calling, web, personal or digital promotion activities. Considering the digital generation, you need to incorporate responsive design into your website, provide relevant information, Follow up and ask for feedback to make sure clients are satisfied. Read More:  https://www.wisdomplexu

Talent Acquisition Process: 5 Steps to Build a Quality Workforce

What is Talent Acquisition? HR  professionals, recruiters, sourcers and hiring managers together make up for the talent acquisition department for any organization. In a corporate set-up, this department is usually placed under the Human Resource section for hiring skilled professionals for leadership roles, executive-level positions and jobs that require some sort of specific training. What is the purpose of Talent Acquisition? The process of acquiring talent is an on-going process that includes attracting the right person with the perfect skill-set, examining their behavioural and technical know-how, selecting the candidate, on-boarding them and hence fulfilling a company’s long term needs. Read More:

5 reasons why Business Intelligence is the discipline of the future

Business intelligence (BI)  is a set of technology-driven process, technologies and architectures that convert raw data into actionable information which drives informed/profitable actions. It’s a suite of services and software that transforms data into valuable intelligence and knowledge. Some standard functions of business intelligence technologies include reporting, analytics, online analytical processing, data mining, business performance management, process mining, complex event processing, text mining, predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics and benchmarking. Business Intelligence technology can handle large amounts of structured and unstructured data to help identify and develop or create new strategized business opportunities. Read More:

GDPR: Data Retention Requirement for Relevant Duration

What is Data Retention? The data retention by definition means the collection and permanent storage of personal data, without first an explicitly stipulated storage purpose or reason is given. Inexplicit, however, these stored data should be made available to the public authorities, if against a certain person the suspicion of a serious criminal act exists and thus serve the enlightenment. The purpose of the   General Data Protection Regulation  is to empower professionals in the management of the information they collect. It encourages to ask only the minimum of information and to protect the customers. So if in your business you can settle for a minimum of information, no need to ask your customers their date of birth, or their profession for example, which are so-called “sensitive” data. Read More:

DAM: Core Essentials of Digital Marketing Technology | WisdomPlexus

In an era where thousands of marketing technologies are developed across the number of verticals, but there are just four essential components. Three of them are consistent. Almost all the companies are familiar with these components, i.e marketing automation, content management and customer relationship management and last one which is moving to the hearts of enterprises Digital Asset Management (DAM). As more organisations rely on rich content to drive marketing programs, they need to manage content across multiple platforms effectively. Read More:

Big Data: Business Intelligence Insights for 2019 | Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence: A large amount of data is generated from all kinds of industries, also known as big data. Business Intelligence implements processes, surrounding data gathering and data analysis.  Big data  analytics trends have drastically changed over the years ranging from an organizational approach to business-driven data approach. Since it embraces all areas of agile life cycle development business, organizations need to implement the latest data analytics trends. This never-ending stream of data can be challenging when it comes to drawing insights from a large data pool of unstructured data. Here are “5 Big Data Analytics Trends” that will take your business to new heights: Read More: